What is Optimism Plus?

Living Life and Doing Business in a New Age of Optimism.

All services and consultations may be done remotely.

Are you ready?   

Optimism Plus:  Our mission is to help everyone reach their full potential physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We focus on the mind, body and spirit connection. Our intention is for everyone to work and play at their peak performance level, every day, in everything they do. We offer this through energy healings, wellness classes and show you how to bring this into your business and work arena.

We offer classes in Reiki One, Reiki Two, Reiki Master, Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Reiki One, Shamanic Reiki Two, Shamanic Reiki Master, Gaianic Reiki One, Gaianic Reiki Two, Gaianic Reiki Master, Business, Travel and Family Reiki, Private Tutoring, personal Reiki treatments and Crystal Healing.

We offer personal Akashic Record Consultations. View your life from the perspective of your soul.

We offer Personal, Executive and Spiritual Coaching.

Does you corporate retreat address the mind, body, and spirit? Take it to the next level. Every retreat, seminar and Professional Development session should include professional sales training through intuitive relationship building, motivational activities and team building exercises, and offer Reiki energy healing, Spiritual Coaching and Akashic Records Consultations.

“Happiness and well-being is the key to success. Happiness, wellness and optimism creates, fosters and promotes success on every level. It’s not the other way around. Many successful people are unhappy, stressed and often unhealthy, but most happy people are successful and usually healthy. Happy people outperform everyone. My seminars teach, instruct and inform this. Positivism and optimism are infused into everything I do. Everyone deserves to be happy, healthy and successful. Join us to find out how.” – Steve Reinhart, Chief Optimist

Optimism Plus is a way of thinking, being and doing. It is about making a conscious choice of staying healthy, living life and doing business in a proactive, positive manner by focusing on the good in everything, from the events that unfold in our lives to the people we interact with and our personal well-being. 

Optimism Plus is for people wishing to live life through the lens of optimism. 
The results are stunning and life-changing. Optimism works! Empower yourself. Are you ready? Join us!

The 3Panel Guide

All services and consultations may be done remotely.

The 3Panel Guide and accompanying workbooks are designed to enhance your intuitive powers. They are customized and personalized to each individual, and are meant to be used on a daily or weekly basis, evolving and changing as you do. It helps you identify and minimize your distractions while naming and reinforcing your positive attributes which allows you to focus on your goals with clarity, confidence and conviction. Your intuition is able to operate at its peak performance level. Daily or weekly use ensures consistent personal growth. You reach new levels of awareness and self-empowerment.

The results are stunning and life-changing. Optimism works! Empower yourself.
Are you ready?
Your Past, Your Present, Your Future: Reflect, Meditate, Act.


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