Healing Gaia: Prayer
Topic: A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God, your spiritual guides, nature, your higher self or an object of worship.
Intention: Mastering a way to pray to and heal Gaia.
Framework: Understand the different kinds and ways we pray and why, thus creating a series of protocols and steps that will enhance and empower your prayers.
Focus: To sense and feel the power of an individual prayer tied to a specific goal or outcome in a Gaianic healing session.
Healing Tools: Beliefs, ceremonies, chants and tones, faith, mantras, meditations, prayer, religious practices, rituals, songs.
Suggested Reading: Bible, Buddhacavana, Buddhist Canons, Confucianism, Quran, Taoist, Torah, Tripitaka, Upanishads.
Websites: Google prayer and be prepared as there are many perspectives.
Movies/Videos: https://www.movieguide.org/news-articles/seven-movies-answered-prayer.html
Think About
Do you pray or ever ask for help in a spiritual manner? How do you pray or send or express your requests or thanks? Are your prayers defined in any formal format? To any specific deities? Do you consider yourself a religious person? Were you raised under the auspices of a particular religious or belief system? Perhaps you are agnostic? Or devoted to a belief system that involves nature? Have your religious ideas or beliefs changed over time?
Everyone has a personal and different perspective on prayer. All are acceptable if they feel right to the individual. There is no right or wrong when we pray, there is simply the heartfelt sensation coming from deep inside to something we feel a connection, love or gratitude towards.
There are countless books written on prayer. Every major religion has prayer as one of its core tenets and practices. Prayer assumes a belief in something to which the request is being directed, whether it is to God, your spirit guides, nature beings or your own individual higher self. You define or name your higher power; and our version of prayer is how we communicate what we want to convey. We pray for help, forgiveness, healing, wealth, happiness, protection, courage, safety, insights and wisdom. There are gratitude prayers, prayers of praise, thanksgiving, love and joy. It is said that whatever you are praying to already knows what is in your heart, so it is important to speak from your heart.
Prayer is when you are talking and expressing your innermost desires. It is important to be specific and earnest in your communication. Prayer is magnified when many people pray for the same thing and when prayed with gratitude and love.
How many times do we say or hear someone say, “drive safely”, “don’t forget your coat”, or “call me when you get there”, “have a good day”? This is prayer.
How many times do we think about someone and hope they are doing well, maybe call them to find out? This is prayer.
We are often taught prayers from an early age, to say grace at the table, to say a multitude of prayers from memory, to ask for protection while we sleep. Sometimes those prayers that we “know by heart” are the ones that come to mind first when we pray. But as we develop our relationship with our higher being our prayers become more personal and engaging.
Prayer does not have to be complicated and wordy. It does not need to be filled with thee and thou and flowery language. It needs to come from the heart in your own language.
It has been suggested that prayer is you talking to “God” and meditation is you listening to “God”. Prayer is rarely answered in a burst of glory and often not what or the time frame you think it should be, but it is always answered. It goes to your intuition and it is up to you to listen and interpret it, and if appropriate, act on it.
Faith has everything to do with prayer. “There are no atheists in fox holes” attributed to Chaplain William Thomas Cummings, battle of Bataan, Philippines, 1942. Even those who are not certain there is a higher power may find themselves petitioning for something in earnest when they are afraid, in danger or the need is great. We frequently pray for health and healing of others or ourselves.
Think about the following different kinds of prayer and associate what you would pray for: (there are many types of prayer, these are only a few)
- Adoration and blessing – extolling the virtues of a higher power
- Petition – prayers of request for yourself
- Intercession – prayers for others
- Confession – when we have wronged or harmed someone
- Praise – love and charity
- Thanksgiving – gratitude
Everything we know about prayer can be used in a Gaianic healing session. We simply need to think about our intention, framework, focus and choice of healing tools.
Try This
What do you think is the most important thing that would help the Earth heal? Pray for that! This is a great first step for bringing prayer into a Gaianic healing session.
If you have any prayer habits that you do on a daily basis, consider adding one for healing the Earth. If you do not have a prayer routine or practice, sending a prayer to Gaia is a wonderful place to start and feels wonderful.
Adding prayer to an existing aspect of a Gaianic healing session can be powerful, especially if it includes music, chanting, toning, instruments, sound and vibration. Mantras are easy to include in a session in the form of a prayer.